Join us

If you share our vision of architecture and have an interest in collaborating or actively participating in our group, we invite you to join us. All individuals who resonate with our interests can integrate into our group, without the need to be an architect or be registered. 

How to Register?

1.Download the registration form along with the SEPA form, and fill them out with your personal details.

2. Send us these two documents via email to

3.Within a maximum of 7 working days, you will receive an email confirming your registration. We appreciate your patience while we process your request.

4.Subsequently, you will receive another email from AUS, where we will inform you about the existing working groups and how you can join them.

Thank you very much for your interest in AUS

  • The request for withdrawal can be made at any time. 

The Association will be composed of full members, associate members, and participating members.

Full members of AUS will be all those architects who wish to join and meet the following requirements:

a. Be registered architects with the COAC.

b. Have not been sanctioned for professional misconduct, or for administrative or criminal sanctions resulting in disqualification from the practice of the profession, except in cases of rehabilitation or cancellation of the sanction.

c. Be up to date with their financial obligations to the COAC.

Associate members of AUS will be all non-registered architects, other professionals, and students who develop their professional or training activities in the field of architecture or sustainability, who wish to join and are presented to the Board of Directors by two full members of AUS.

Participating members will be all individuals or legal entities who, through their contributions to AUS, may deserve this status. These members will be appointed by the General.

Assembly, upon motivated proposal by the Board of Directors, and will have the right to attend and speak at meetings, and to exercise all functions granted to them by the Board and the Assembly, except for representing the Association.